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Rose-ringed parakeet

Rose-ringed parakeet

Rose-ringed parakeet, 

Psittacula krameri. 

Despite it’s beautiful plumage and silhouette in flight, the rose-ringed parakeet (or ringneck parrot) has a hard time winning hearts. Maybe it’s that screechy voice. When it began to establish itself in the UK there were concerns that it would have a detrimental effect on our native wild birds. Recent research suggests their impact is not significant. They do disturb other birds but in urban areas birds are pretty accustomed to disturbance. Although the parakeet will feed at bird tables, it doesn’t ‘compete’ for food more than any other bird and appears to have only minor impact on nesting sites. It’s worth noting that the parakeet has spread over the whole of Europe and its presence in the UK is far from isolated in terms of migration.
Photo: © Kevin B Agar